If you are for everybody you are for nobody.

Privacy & Policy

KD S.R.L.S., with REA registration number FI-667346 and registered office at Via dei Rondinelli 2, Florence, Italy, takes seriously the rights of the customer in the matter of protection of personal data and the obligations to which we are bound. This Privacy Policy describes the methods by which we treat the customer`s personal data collected through www.kdfirenze.com, and by other means (for example, via social media, cookies, etc.).

Please read this Information Notice carefully. The personal data provided by the customer can be considered as controlled by KD S.R.L.S.

  • Personal Data that we collect about the customer
    • Customer data (such as name, date of birth, nationality, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number and other personal data) provided by the same by filling in forms on the Website, including the possibility of registering for our newsletter and registering and creating an account on the Website;;
    • Data of any transactions made by the customer;
    • Personal data that may be contained in communications sent to us by the customer, for example to report a problem or to forward requests, problems or observations relating to the Website or its contents; 
    • Information deriving from surveys that we can carry out over time on the Website for research purposes, where the customer decides to answer or participate; 
    • Information on debit / credit cards; 
    • Information regarding the use and navigation of the customer on our Internet Site, such as the client`s IP address and other identifiers of the device, the operating system and the type of browser and the information concerning the pages of the Website visited, collected through cookies or other tracking technologies;
    • Personal data collected from third parties, such as the data that the customer agrees to share with us on social networks that are publicly accessible (eg Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and / or that we can collect from other publicly accessible databases.
    • The customer has no obligation to provide the aforementioned personal data. The provision of personal data by the customer (in particular personal details, e-mail address, postal address, credit / debit card numbers, bank code and telephone number) is necessary for us in order to process the order for the purchase of products on the Website, for the provision of other services on our Website at the request of the client, or for the fulfillment of the obligations provided for by legislative or regulatory provisions. The refusal by the customer to provide us with the data necessary for the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes may make it impossible for us to process the order for the purchase of the products for sale on our Website or to fulfill the obligations provided by legislative or regulatory provisions. Failure to provide personal data may therefore constitute, in some cases, a legitimate and justified reason for not processing the order for the purchase of products for sale on the Website or failure to provide services on the Website.

      The provision of additional personal data other than those required for the fulfillment of legal or contractual obligations and for the correct display of our services with the necessary traffic data is, on the contrary, optional and has no effect on the use of the Website and its services or the purchase of products on the Website. The customer will be informed by us at each stage if the provision of personal data is necessary or optional by affixing a symbol (*) on the information requested or on the data necessary for the purchase of the products and / or for the provision of services requested on the Website.

  • Minimum age
    • Protecting the safety and privacy of children is very important to us. We do not accept registrations or orders sent by anyone below the age of 16 (sixteen) or the age indicated by the law of the country of residence that provides for other age limits, and we will not knowingly collect or process personal data about them. By registering or purchasing on the Website, the customer confirms that he has reached the legal age of majority in his country of residence.
  • Cookie
    • Our website uses cookies. For more information, see our Cookie Policy..
  • Use of customer`s personal data
  • Each processing of the customer`s personal data is based on a lawful `justification` (or legal basis) for processing. In most cases the processing of the customer`s personal data is justified on the basis of one or more of the following conditions:

    • the processing is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract with the client or to carry out the activities requested by the client in order to stipulate the contract (for example, sales contract);
    • processing is necessary to enable us to fulfill the obligations required by law;
    • the processing is our legitimate interest as a company and our interests do not prevail over the interests, fundamental rights or freedom of the customer. Our legitimate interests may include the interest in using the personal data of the customer or the user of the Website to carry out and develop our commercial activities (including the performance of ordinary marketing activities), with current or potential customers and users of the Website; and in the preparation, exercise or defense of legal actions;
    • the processing is based on the prior express consent of the customer, such as personalized and segmented marketing activities.
  • Communication of the customer`s personal data
  • We can communicate the personal data of the customer to any of our associated companies or to our service providers who assist us in providing the services we offer, in processing operations, in fulfilling information requests, in receiving and sending communications , updating marketing lists, analyzing data, providing support services or fulfilling other tasks over time.

    The customer`s personal data will be accessible by KD authorized personnel. The transfer of the client`s personal data from the latter`s country of residence to third countries in which we operate includes the involvement of France, Italy, Switzerland and the United States of America; some of these countries are subject to a European Commission data protection adequacy decision, while other countries are not, such as the US.

  • Safety
  • We attach great importance to the security of all personal data relating to our users. We take security measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized communication or access. To best protect the customer`s personal data outside the limits of our control, your devices must be protected (with updated antivirus systems) and the customer`s internet service provider must take adequate measures for the security of data transmission in network (such as firewalls and anti-spam filters).

    Although we do our best to protect the customer`s personal data, we cannot guarantee that the personal data communicated to us by the customer will be 100% secure or that data breaches will not occur.

    The customer accepts the implications of online trading and will not hold KD responsible for any data breaches unless this is due to our negligence.

  • Storage of customer`s personal data
  • Our general approach is aimed at keeping the customer`s personal data exclusively until such time as it is required for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were collected. We generally keep the customer`s personal data for three years from the conclusion of our relationship or from the last contact with the customer, unless the local laws provide otherwise. In some cases, however, we may retain personal data for longer periods of time, for example where this is required of us in accordance with legal, tax or accounting requirements.

    In specific cases we can also store personal data of the customer for longer periods of time that correspond to the applicable limits set by law so as to possess an accurate documentation of the client`s negotiations with us in the event of complaints or disputes.

  • The customer is the owner of the following rights which refer to his personal data:
  • The customer is the owner of the following rights which refer to his personal data: 

    • Right to withdraw consent - if necessary, the customer has the right to withdraw his consent at any time. For example, if the customer wishes to cancel his subscription for the electronic receipt of marketing communications, he can send an email to info@kdfirenze.com, or otherwise contact us directly and we will stop sending communications.
    • Right of access, rectification and cancellation - the customer has the right to request access to any personal data stored and to obtain a copy thereof, request the correction of any inaccurate data and in some cases request the deletion of personal data. The customer can view and update most of their data independently online or by contacting info@kdfirenze.com directly
    • Right to data portability - In certain cases the customer has the right to receive all the personal data supplied to us in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and also to request transmission to another owner, where technically possible.
    • Right to treatment limitation - the customer has the right to limit the processing of personal data by us where: 
      • contests the accuracy of personal data until we adopt appropriate measures in order to correct or verify the accuracy of the data;
      • the processing is illegal but the customer does not want the deletion of data from us;
      • we no longer need the customer`s personal data for the purposes of the processing and the customer requests the aforementioned data for the preparation, exercise or defense of legal actions;
      • the client has disputed the processing on the basis of legitimate reasons (see below) pending the assessment regarding our pre-eminent and legitimate reasons for the continuation of the treatment.

      In the event that personal data is subject to limitations in this regard, we will treat them exclusively with the client`s consent or for the preparation, exercise or defense of legal actions.

    • The right to challenge the processing based on legitimate interests - in the case of processing of the client`s personal data based on our legitimate interest, the client will have the right to oppose the processing. In the event of a dispute with the customer, we are required to interrupt the processing unless we demonstrate legitimate and pre-eminent reasons for the processing that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the customer or the demonstration of the need to prepare, exercise or defend legal actions . In the case of processing of the client`s personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest, we believe we are able to demonstrate the aforementioned legitimate reasons, but each case will be considered individually.
    • Right to challenge the processing for marketing purposes - in the case of processing of the customer`s personal data for marketing purposes, the customer will have the right to object to the processing at any time.
    • The customer also has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority where it considers that the processing of personal data violates the applicable law.

      For more information on the customer`s rights or in the event of any complaints or requests relating to the processing of the customer`s personal data, contact info@kdfirenze.com

      It should be noted that we may request the customer to prove his identity and we reserve the right to charge a cost where permitted by law, for example where the customer`s request is manifestly unfounded or excessive. We are committed to responding to customer requests as soon as possible and in any case within the applicable time frame.

  • Indormations changes 
  • We may occasionally change this Policy, for example in order to comply with new requirements imposed by applicable legislation or technical requirements. We will publish the updated information on the Website. We can also communicate to the customer the possibility of substantial changes and request the customer`s consent to the aforementioned changes, where required by applicable law. We invite the customer to periodically review this page.

    Type of Cookie Navigation cookies
    Functional Cookies These cookies allow you to save data related to your session. If you have added items to the cart and closed the session without completing the purchase and without deleting them, these cookies allow you to continue shopping the next time you access the website (within a limited period) by finding the selected items.
    Analytical cookies These cookies are used to process statistical analyzes on how users navigate on my website. The website uses some third-party services that, independently, install their own cookies.
    First and third party marketing cookies These are third-party cookies, whose goal is to offer you my business proposal on other affiliate websites (retargeting). On third-party cookies I have no control over the information provided by the cookie and I do not have access to such data. This information is totally controlled by third-party companies as described in the respective privacy policy.
    First and third party marketing cookies These cookies are necessary to allow your social account to interact with my website. They serve for example to make you express your appreciation and to share it with your social friends.
    privacy.info.title-cl-7 These cookies allow you to save data related to your session. If you have added items to the cart and closed the session without completing the purchase and without deleting them, these cookies allow you to continue shopping the next time you access the website (within a limited period) by finding the selected items.